For my contentious subject I have chosen Depression and they way that I am going to show it is through the character. My initial idea for a character is by using Nessie the Loch Ness Monster. I think that she will work for my story because of her appealing nature to children, as she is a thing of myth, and I can use her anonymity from the world to my advantage.
As in my previous post about the potential narrative, I could use Nessie as the focus by showing how she thinks that she’s the monster but throughout the story realising that she isn’t, and by making other friends it allows her to overcome her monsters; thus, being a physical representation of depression and how you can’t get away from your monsters. By displaying it in this way I think that children will understand it in an easy way without it being too complex for them to understand while keeping it interesting and engaging.
I will also use similar styles to the illustrators that I have researched into so that it looks professional and has a distinct style that is bold and eye-catching. One major element that I have taken from Haughton is the slight variation of shades within one colour to draw the landscape and characters around. For Nessie, I am going to use two or three shades of green to represent her, as green is a typical colour of a monster and I also think it is appropriate for her as a character.
Unlike the myth sketches where Nessie is large with a long neck, huge body, and fierce looking mouth, I am going to make her a lot smaller with little nimble characteristics. She will be small so that she comes across as innocent, and by using curvy features she will look more vulnerable (which she isn’t normally perceived as) and approachable; which contrasts against the narrative wherein nobody wants to go near her because they think that she is a monster.
Her eyes will also be big and her facial expressions will, hopefully, be quite expressive to represent her mood and be suitable for the page that she is on. I think that this style could work well when it comes to the book because it will express emotion and be appealing to the young audience, will keeping it into a simple illustration that can be altered and developed as I work on the book itself. Therefore, by having thought about these characteristics and ideas I am going to progress onto making it in Illustrator as a vector so that it can be used for any size and be adjusted easily for other pages, and it will also give me a good foundation to discover the rest of the style of the book.